*讚美 *讀經 *默想 *禱告 *應用 *分享
每月一集,每日一讀,分享你生命的改變!韓國教會河永祚牧師提倡的QT,為我們帶來“活潑的生命”!如果你初次來教會,你瞭解什麼是QT(靈修)嗎?它與查經有何不同?QT在基督徒屬靈生活上有什麼樣的必要?它給我們帶來什麼收穫?教會有一個Google Group供大家分享感言;每週三早上10時和晚7:30教會有QT小組分享。以下是從CGBC QT Google Group中摘錄的一些感思。你還沒有[活潑的生命]靈修月刊?請速到教會辦公室訂閱噢!
Hesitancy to God’s Commandment Genesis 19:16
◎ 陳國添牧師Pastor Tim
We are drawn so much back into the black hole of culture that we are dragged to the former life. We all struggle because we know that we have some good feelings of our past. We cravefor a secured life, a life without trials and a life recognized by others. Yet, in preparation for the future, all have to be surrendered. Giving up the past is an invitation to the future. We all have some areas of our life that are held hostage by the enemy. Lot must have gone through the same equation. He is to lose out to all he accumulated and to start off from a new position of grace.
從亞當家譜想到的 創世記 5:1-32
◎ Peter Tham
Today’s QT was about the Genealogy from Adam to Noah. Among the ten people mentioned, details were noted only for Noah and Lamech. For the remainders, the Bible records merely ages and their descendants. In reflection, I had two thoughts:
1) The value of life is not determined by its length.
2) Are we aware of our own spiritual life with God?
We are all well aware of Enoch’s 300 years of walking with the Lord. But his life on earth was the shortest among those mentioned, and he did not have to experience death. Is this something that we desire? I was reflecting on my own spiritual experience with the Lord: having accepted Jesus for thirty some years and my regular quiet time with the Lord was only limited to the early years. Few years ago I started using the “Living Life” to help me restore the routine of study God’s word and to be honest, it was difficult at the beginning. But once I persisted, it became part of my life. Better yet, after brothers and sisters in the church started to use the “Living Life”, we started sharing our spiritual experience and I don’t feel like I’m walking on he spiritual path alone.
Another thought from reading today’s story was that Lameth spoke frankly about how miserable we are without God. This reminds me to examine my life regularly. And this is exactly what QT is about: to open our hearts and allowing God to hold us accountable so that we may not be led into temptation.
When I do not understand Matthew 27: 40-44
◎Joanna Lee
When I do not understand or comprehend something, I tend to use words and actions to mock. Instead of being humbled and seeking the truth,I would say, “Is this not what the crowd is doing?” “Is it not much easier to ask for the pain to go away?” “Is it not much more spectacular, more “effective” that God just shows His power by bringing Jesus down from the cross, unharmed?” 每當我不明白一些事情的時候,我會用話語或行動嘲弄,不是謙卑地尋求真理。我會說,“不是別人也是如此行嗎?” “祈求痛苦離開不是更容易嗎?” “上帝用祂的能力把耶穌從十字架上解救下來不是更壯觀和實際嗎?”
But that is not God’s way of righteousness and love. When I believe in the Father and do His will, the results may not be as “good” as understood by us human beings. The crucifixion means: “Is it good in God’s sight?” 但是那並非是上帝表現祂公義和愛的方式。當我相信父神並按祂的旨意行時,結果可能並不像人們所能理解的那麼“好”。釘十字架意味著:“是否在上帝的眼中認為是好的?”
“Lord, teach me to pray for Your glory’s sake and Your Kingdom to come. Stop me from only asking for comfort and goodness for this life on earth. I want to be like Jesus! Teach me also to evaluate in ways that glorify You , not with human standards and accept thing that I do not understand, accept that I do not need to know ‘all’. ” “主,教導我為祢的榮耀來禱告,為祢的國度降臨來禱告。阻攔我不讓我只是祈求舒適和地上生活的好處。我想像耶穌一樣!教導我如何評價事物以得到祢的榮耀,而不是按照人的標準,並能接受我不明白的事情,接受我並不需要瞭解所有的事來相信祢。”
Abraham’s Servant 亞伯拉罕的僕人
◎ Daisy Huang黃耘
In my QT this week, my heart was deeply touched by Abraham’s servant’s story by how he brought Rebekah to Isaac. This story also reflects how God’s plan is carried out. The task was tough, but he made it. He first prayed earnestly to the Lord; he asked for a sign that was reflecting the girl’s godly characters, which were confirmed by circumstances; he repeated his prayers and the whole story to Rebekah’s family to reveal God’ s answer; he gave credit and thanks back to God; Rebekah’s family were also willing to let her go because they know clearly this was from God, they were willing to obey the Lord; the servant made the quick decision to move back right away home with the bride to be. The servant carried through the job loyally, he doesn’t even have a name in the bible….. God gave me the job to witness Him in writing and editing in our church magazine, and for other Christian organizations, He also confirmed this calling with circumstances. I don’t have a background of writing, but I will trust him and ask for his wisdom to equip me, may He use me to spread His good news, may I be like this servant, respond to God’s calling joyfully and loyally, with humble prayers and praise, and carry through his job assignment.
心清手潔 利未記13章
◎巫慶朗(Charles Wu)
這一個禮拜的QT,在看利未記十三章,講的是痳瘋病的診斷和條例。中文翻譯的痳瘋病,其實涵蓋多種不同的皮膚病,尤其是有傳染性的皮膚病。診斷的人不是醫生,而是祭司;診斷的目的不是治療,而是分別潔淨或不潔淨的人。所以是從敬拜的角度來看皮膚病,不是從醫學的角度。患皮膚病是罪嗎?聖經沒有這樣說。人因得著會傳染的皮膚病,因而被隔離,被認為不潔淨,是對別人的保護,也是對神聖潔的尊重。在利未記十二章中記載,「婦人在產血不潔之中,要家居三十三天。她潔淨的日子未滿,不可摸聖物,也不可進入聖所。」 (利12:4) 她若生女孩,這不潔淨的日子要加倍。婦人生產不是罪,但是仍被定為不潔淨。所以我們不可以輕易的說,有皮膚病的人,是因為犯了罪。但是,因為有皮膚病而被定為不潔淨,這與我們的關係在那裡?當我在默想這個問題的時候,記起利未記開頭說,人若獻牛羊給耶和華,就要獻沒有殘疾的。我們的神配得那最好的、完整的供物。我們人來到神面前,也要是完整的、潔淨的、全心的。神的心意本是如此。當主耶穌說,「你們要盡心、盡性、盡意、盡力愛主你的神。」衪所指的豈不是我們整個的人嗎?
Leviticus 13 talked about various skin diseases and regulations about these diseases. The Bible talked about the skin disease from the worshipping viewpoint instead of from the medical one. The Bible did not say it’s a sin when a person had a skin disease. But due to the contagious nature of skin disease, people who had skin diseases need to be quarantined. This is not only for the purpose of protecting others, but also a way of showing respect to God. Similarly, Leviticus 12:4 mentioned that women are considered unclean after giving birth to children. She needed to be home resting for 33 days if she gave birth to a boy and 66 days if she gave birth to a girl. It is certainly not a sin to give birth to babies, so what exactly does God want to tell us through all these regulations?I was reflecting on the beginning of Leviticus that when we offer lambs and calf to the Lord, these sacrifices need to be the best and without any blemish. This is because our God deserves the best offering. Then I realized that God requires us to be clean when we come to God. Just as Jesus said: Love the Lord with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind. Then I realize that God wanted us to worship him wholeheartedly and offer him with all that we have.
QT Sharing
◎郭隆宗 Philip Kuo
Yes, I am the man who hesitated on Lord’s calling and yet Lord is merciful on me。I had illness on my eye since last Friday. These couple days, I thanked Lord for His mercies on me on this illness. 是的,我就是那個對主的呼召遲疑的人,然而主仍然憐憫我。上週五我開始患眼疾。這幾天我感謝主祂在我病痛之中憐憫我。
Many times, when our physical eyes are healthy, our spiritual eyes may not be clear. Jesus said, “For judgment I have come into this world, so that the blind will see and those who see will become blind…If you were blind, you would not be guilty of sin; but now that you claim you can see, your guilt remains. ” (John 9:39-41) 許多時候,我們肉體的眼睛是健康的,但屬靈的眼睛也許並不明亮。耶穌說,“我為審判到這世上來,叫不能看見的,可以看見;能看見的,反瞎了眼。同他在那裏的法利賽人聽見這話,就說:難道我們也瞎了眼?耶穌對他們說:你們若瞎了眼,就沒有罪了;但如今你們說我們能看見,所以你們的罪還在。”約翰福音9:39-41
I pretty much slept for the entire day becauseof the pain. However, when my physical eye is weak, my spiritual eye becomes more cleared. I saw that I took many things for granted. In reality, everything is God’s grace and mercy. It is God’s mercy that I was able to see both my family doctor and ophthalmologist on Friday immediately; my wife is available to drive me to see doctors right the way; God allows me to see that this is a spiritual battle because of QT that night。因為眼痛我整日睡著。但是當我肉體的眼睛軟弱時,我屬靈的眼睛卻明亮了。我看見我對許多(得到)的視為理所當然。實際上,每一樣事都是神的恩典和憐憫。是神的憐憫使我在禮拜五同時見了我的家庭醫生和眼科醫生;我太太可以有時間立即開車送我去看醫生;因著晚上靈修分享上帝,讓我看見這個屬靈上的爭戰。
Our natural human response is,“ what did I do to cause this illness?” Jesus answered, “neither this man nor his parents sinned…but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life. ”(John 9:2-3). I may try to“reason” with God what did I do that caused this illness? But God allowed me to see His mercy is with me during spiritual battle. 我們的自然的反應是:“我做了什麼得這個病?”耶穌的回答是:“也不是這人犯了罪,也不是他父母犯了罪,是要在他身上顯出神的作為來。”約翰福音 9:2-3
God wanted me to grow spiritually and yet I hesitated. So God will have to grasp me to the next level because God is merciful. Thank you Lord that you are a merciful. 上帝要求我在靈命上成長,但我遲疑了。上帝是充滿憐憫的,所以祂要把我提抓到下一個層次。感謝主的憐憫。