
Gracious Words

三口之家攜手受洗共蒙主恩 A Family Trio Baptized Hand-in-hand in the Glory of Lord

張謙(Kent Zhang); 劉軍勇(Maggie Liu); 朱穗濱(Sam Zhu)

編者按:  張謙一家三口人和John, Lucy,Aileen 以及Aileen的表姊於六月底帶著教會弟兄姊妹的祝福前往德州定居。並於抵達之後,通知弟兄姊妹一切平安,並問候大家。他們並分享了一個大好的消息給教會: Aileen 和她的表姊在當地蔡牧師前往探望並為他們禱告祝福時,深受感動而當場決志信主。哈利路亚,我们撒种的和他们收割的一同欢喜快乐!




先生:張謙 (Kent Zhang)



















My name is Kent Zhang. I wish to thank our loving God for allowing me to stand before you – to proclaim my intention to accept Jesus Christ as my savior. May He abide in me as I abide in Him and glorify His name until eternity.

I want to express my thanks to my cousin Wang Cheng – he was the one who brought me to this church. Even when I rejected his invitations, his answer was always, “Thank you Lord. May your name be glorified!”

I believe that my family’s move to Sacramento was the will of God. Two months ago, we had no idea where we were headed. Our Almighty God guided us step by step toward this city – and unto His outstretched arms and warm embrace.

The first question on my baptismal application form was “How did you come to know Jesus Christ as your personal savior?” Here is my answer: In the past twenty years, I have heard Jesus’ name numerous time. I have been to Christian churches and Bible Study groups. I have also joined countless evangelical meetings. I cried profusely after hearing Bro. Zhang Boli’s testimony on his exile from China. Once I was already in line ready to be baptized when I asked the fellow right next to me, “What happens after our baptism?” His answer was, “After your baptism, you’re to emulate everything in Jesus’ life. ” I thought to myself, “Jesus was a holy man. I’m just a mere mortal. Moreover, I am still a bachelor – maybe I should find a wife first. ” I quickly exited the premise with a clever excuse. I continued to read biblical stories and watched several films about Jesus. However, my understanding of salvation was quite shallow and I was easily swayed by mass thinking and doubts.

Sometime ago, we had a major family crisis.My wife Maggie and I both felt we should seek help through a church. We called cousin Wang Cheng knowing that he is a devout Christian. With his encouragement, we embarked on the first step in our spiritual journey towards eternal life. The day was August 12, 2012, a Sunday.

Many of my friends asked me, “Why accept Christ at this stage of my life?” My foremost reason is “I am lost”.Frankly, I had my share of trials and tribulations. I had this “lost” feeling all my life. When I am became well established with a wonderful family and the “Five子blessings” [in Chinese traditions, the 5子’s refer to 車子(car)、銀子(money)、妻子(wife)、兒子(son)、房子(house)]. Why do I still have this “lost” feeling?” My friends joked that I am either facing a midlife crisis or in a pre-Alzheimer stage. Truthfully, I had to face many crises in my life: I had been found wanting as a family man; my bad temper had brought me much grief. I am also a born worrier, I worry about how to fit in a new environment. I have an intense fear of bodily deterioration and aging. I feel so helpless, weak and yes, lost. My Christian friends tell me that “God’s strength is manifested in man’s weakness” and that “The end of man’s schemes is the beginning of God’s mercy”. God has a way of dealing with proud people who live their lives oblivious to His presence. My pride has driven me to the edge of desperation and hopelessness. And as soon as I admitted that I am lost and I need Him, our loving God extends His helping hands. He offered me a path of life. But without your encouragement, I will not be standing here today. I am so grateful to all of you. As I read the gospels and spiritual books such as Li Cheng’s “Songs of a Wanderer”, I began to understand God’s perfect plan of salvation. His unconditional love for mankind culminated in the death of Jesus Christ on the cross. His resurrection brings us hope of eternal life. All who confess their sins and accept Christ’s redemption will have everlasting life. On October 21, 2012, in our Beginners / Seeker’s class, I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal savior. I know that I am now a child of God with all His promises.

This morning, I bask in the light of God, the love of Jesus and you as witnesses. I do not wish this to be just a fulfillment of duty. I shall encourage myself to make today’s pledge an everlasting one – that I will be eternally thankful to God. I shall worship Him in truth and testify His goodness before men.

I used to think that I have no miracles in my life. I admire others who have seen signs and wonders in their lives. That has all changed – God has bestowed upon me imprints of His miracles. I will cite two instances:

I am a cancer survivor. About a year ago, rectal cancer cells were detected during a routine physical examination. My X-rays revealed the dreaded “Big C”. I said to myself, “I am done! No doubt it’s a death sentence!” My knees started trembling and my heart began pounding. I had difficulty breathing and I turned pale all over. I was petrified and scared stiff. Then the doctor comforted me by assuring me that my survival odds are very high (almost 100%), unfortunately, the chances of recurrence is also high (above 50%). The prognosis spelled relief for me momentarily. It was followed by chills down my spines. The doctor gave me some good advice. Ironically, all these vacuous comforting words further affirmed that my end is near. My pressure mounted and my vision turned bleak. I was preoccupied with thoughts of my remaining days as I penned my last will and testaments.

At first, I kept my terminal ailments from my family. However, as the surgery date drew near, I grudgingly unveiled the horrific news to my wife Maggie. She was very helpful in taking care of all the preparations for my surgery. Thanks be to our cancer surgery was successful. Maggie bought me a self-help book on cancer. I perused the thick book, and one statistic caught my attention,”80% of cancer patients do not succumb to the disease, they are more likely to be scared to death!” Today, I stand before you a healthy person. I had two post-surgery exams, the last one took place just three weeks ago. As I waited for my test results, I prayed to God, “My Lord God, I accepted you as my personal savior just recently. I have a lot of growing up to do.Help me cleanse my sins day by day. Give me the chance to spread your “good news” to others. Please grant me more days to glorify you on earth. ” A few days later, I got the lab report, “No trace of cancer! Nothing! “

Then there is the second miracle. I was a heavy drinker when I was in China. Initially, I started drinking for social purposes. Soon, I was drinking heavily at home to improve my liquor tolerance. These abuses led to all kinds of physical ailments. I also became short-tempered and easily agitated, thus causing our marital relation to wither. About a month ago, I began to realize that God is surely displeased with my drinking binges. Since I have already made a decision to follow Jesus Christ, I should quit doing things that bring shame to Him. This resulted in my wife telling me recently, “You are a changed man. I love you more with the passing of each day.” These sweet nothings are music to my ears. I thank our dear Lord Jesus – for His saving grace and my unmerited favor”.

In conclusion, I wish to share an intimate feeling. Lately, I notice that I am quick to shed tears of emotion. For example, I was alone in my car one day, a radio sermon on Jesus’ grace made me cry as I reflect upon the cross. Sometimes, even a simple rendition of the doxology song instantly brings tears of thanksgiving and joy. What’s happening to me? I used to embrace the mantra “Real men shed no tears”. I believe that such tears of joy are shed by a vagabond who has reached the end of his rope; a loafer who is weary of wrestling with the devil; a wayward son who has returned to his father’s home.

With teary eyes, I thank God for blessing me with His gift of salvation. To Him be all the honor and glory!


妻子:劉軍勇(Maggie Liu)






在2005年的一天,一個偶然的機會,我認識了我的鄰居Tony 先生一家,一個來自英國的英語教師。他送給了我一本聖經書,並邀請我和兒子到他家學習聖經和參加團契。在他家裏我第一次接觸聖經,並聽到有關上帝創造人經是外國人的文化,聖經是古代聖賢們寫下來勸導人們向善的神話故事而已。鄰居Tony家是一個組合家庭,他的家裏每天都充滿著和諧快樂的氣氛。他和太太的前後2次婚姻共有6個孩子,其中最小的一個女兒是患唐氏綜合症的孩子,生活不能自理,一刻都離不開媽媽的照顧。在我為他們的小女兒擔憂的時候,他們的眼睛充滿著光亮,告訴我說,他們的小女兒是上帝送給他們最特別的禮物!是上帝給他們的考驗。那時我就疑慮,上帝真有這麼大的力量,可以讓他們在常人眼裏看作不幸的事情,卻在他們的眼裏視為榮耀?殊不知,那時就是深愛我的主耶穌在我罪性深重,最需要拯救的時候向我伸出的手,而我卻完全不認主,只是客氣地應付著這位基督徒朋友向我發出的邀請。









My name is Maggie Liu, my Chinese name literally means “Strong Soldier”. You can easily guess that I come from a Communist cadre’s family. I am a child of new China nurtured under the Red Flag。Even though my generation did not experience frequent famines and political turmoil, nonetheless, we were educated in the dialectics of atheism and materialism.

After smooth sailing through my educational process, I found a job at the Guangzhou Railroad Company. I subsequently started my own business which lasted for a few years. I enjoyed my material abundance and a respectable standard of living. However, I never really gave much thought to my spiritual beliefs. I often thought that religious beliefs are crutches for the poor and desperate. I can work hard and achieve success all by myself. Soon I became a proud, egotistic, self-absorbed and unrestrained person.

In 2005, I met my neighbor Tony and his family. He was an English teacher from England. He gave me a Holy Bible and invited my son and I to join their bible studies and fellowship meetings. It was my first exposure to the Bible – it was also the first time I heard about God’s creation and Jesus Christ’s death on the cross paving the way for our salvation. Although I was moved by Jesus’ sacrifice and love, I still felt these were traditional western folklores whose sole purpose was to preach kindness and goodness. Tony has a mixed family – he and his wife had six children from their previous marriages. Their youngest daughter was born with “Down’s Syndrome” and she required full-time care. As a witness to their struggles, my heart was deeply troubled. But they both felt the little girl was a special gift from God. I began to wonder how they could turn such misfortunes into blessings. They even gave all glory to God. Ididn’t know that, God was using my neighbors to plant a seed of gospel in my life. It was His way of extending His gracious hands to me. However, each time I would politely reject the invitations of this lovely Christian family.

Sins had indeed blinded my vision. I chose to define my own values and to pursue lofty goals on my own terms. In the ensuing years, the devil took advantage of my weakness and soft spots. I sunk deeper into a bottomless pit. I could not change my deep-rooted sense of pride. I felt that the only way to attain fulfillment was through my own ability. I was totally oblivious of God’s blessings and living a life devoid of thanksgiving. The devil continued to tempt and control me – I became hopelessly enslaved to sin. Still, God never gave up on a rebellious child like me. He continued to reach out to me with His hands of mercy.

I have an aunt whom I have not seen for many years. She was the most beautiful and gentle woman I ever knew. About 30 years ago, while pregnant, she consumed an overdose of anti-diarrhea medicine and gave birth to a mentally-handicapped baby girl. She was ridden with guilt for half her adult life. Her marriage was ruined and her sufferings never let up. Then in 2006, I saw her again and what a changed person she was. Gone were her wrinkles and scrawny features. Her face exuded overflowing radiance and joy. She had found Jesus Christ – who gave her the faith and courage to face life’s many challenges. Trusting in Jesus brought her hope for this life and the afterlife. She also gave me a Holy Bible and prayed for me – that God will soon bless me with an abundance of joy. In spite of another witness sharing her life-changing testimony, I willfully chose to live in darkness with no feeling of repentance.

In the past few years, I sank even deeper into the depth of sin. I felt so helpless as I wrestled with the devil. The burden of sin weighed down on me and took away my joy of living. It was at this moment when our Lord Jesus Christ showed me His mercy once more. This time, my cold and hardened heart began to thaw. At long last, my soul felt an attraction towards His saving grace.

Our family moved to Sacramento in July, 2012. My husband’s cousin Wang Cheng brought us to Chinese Grace Bible Church. As we stepped into the sanctuary, I was deeply moved by the worship songs and tears of joy started rolling down my cheeks. I felt warmth caressing my restless soul. In the following Sundays, I joined the Beginners/Seekers’ Class. I began to understand how love among Christians reflects the glory of God. Praise the Lord! Since I joined the group, I felt peace and assurance in my heart. My home also became a place of solace and rest. Whenever there are petty arguments, I’d hear a faint voice asking me, “Are you glorying God?”. I would calmly admit my own shortcomings. Every time I focused my ire on my son’s faults, I would pray and seek God’s forgiveness for I know that our Almighty God listens to my prayers. I will honor Him as the Lord of our household who loves us and shines His light upon us.

I’d like to thank Bro. Tang Tao and Sister. Hao Zongyin for lending me the book entitled “Eternity is Calling”。The book opened my spiritual eyes to discern the true meaning of life. It also answers many of my questions concerning life. Bro. Liang Jinyou and Sister. Ding, Ya inspired me with their living testimonies. I am also encouraged by others who serve with humility in order to bring glory to God. I wish to thank Teachers Kao Chi and Rachel Wang for their awesome explanation of God’s salvation plan how He sent His only begotten son to die on the cross for the propitiation of our sins. His death, resurrection, ascension give us the hope of eternal life.

I thank our Heavenly Father for allowing our son Sam, and my husband Kent to take this step of faith of baptism as a family. I confess my sins before God with you as my witnesses. I accept Jesus into my heart as my personal savior. I resolve to follow Jesus for the rest of my life. I pledge to grow ever closer to our Lord and do His will. I will honor Him and bring glory to His name. Thank you!

兒子:朱穗濱(Sam Zhu,14歲)

我的中文名叫朱穗濱,英文名叫Sam。我出生在中國廣州,但是我不會說廣東話)。我是剛來美國三個月的一位新移民,在我媽媽和爸爸的帶動下,我每個週末都來到恩典教會學習聖經。 我第一次來到教會時,就被這裏的弟兄姐妹的熱情所感染,我喜歡他們臉上喜悅的笑容和真誠的話語。剛開始,由於聖經的道理太深奧,我有點聽不懂,但我有時和父母在家裏看看網站上牧師的講道,後來也參加了慕道班。高老師仔細的講解令我瞭解到,我們人類和整個宇宙都是上帝創造的,上帝是唯一的真神,上帝派祂唯一的兒子耶穌降世為人拯救我們人類,卻為人類釘死在十字架上,耶穌用他的寶血洗淨了我們的罪。



以前我接受的教育說我們人類是由猴子演變而來的,我現在不認為我的祖先是猴子了,我相信我們是由上帝創造的,上帝才是我們人類真正主人! 世界上所有的事物都是由上帝親手創造的。我願意接納耶穌作為我個人的救主。


My name is Sam Zhu (14). I was born in Guangzhou, China. I am an immigrant who has been in the US for only about three months. I come to worship God with my parents on Sundays.

The first time I set foot in CGBC, I instantly felt the warmth of our brothers and sisters. Their smiling faces and their friendly greetings are truly “contagious”. At first, I had a hard time understanding the profound concepts in the Bible. I spent time studying the scriptures on the internet. I also listened to streaming sermons with my parents. Subsequently, I joined the Beginners/Seekers’ class. Teacher Kao Chi’s explanation of the biblical truths truly enlightened me. I began to understand the marvels of God’s creation and His salvation plan through the birth of Jesus Christ. His death on the cross also cleanses me of all my sins.

After watching Pastor Yuan Zhiming’s series on “How I Come to Know Jesus”, I affirmed my desire to be a Christian. Pastor Yuan used his past trials and tribulations to testify the presence of Jesus Christ in his life. I was deeply moved after watching the complete series. My beliefs were strengthened and I resolved to be a Christian. On November 4 of last year, Mother and I accepted Jesus as our personal savior.

At my young age, I have not really experienced many signs and wonders. However, ever since we started worshiping God as a family, we have expereinced many “miracles”.For instance, I used to delight in arguing with Mom on trivial issues. For every word she said, I would rebuff her three times over. Since I accepted Christ as the Lord of my life, I do not engage in such petty arguments any longer. I know that God does not delight in me if I continue to show disrespect for my parents. Soon, I obtained a new perspective that Mom is not such a “nagger” after all. She has also become more loving and affectionate in her demeanor. As we all reflect on our shortcomings and confess our sins before God, our family has become a restful abode filled with joy.

My earlier education inculcated in me the theory that mankind evolved from monkeys. Today, I no longer subscribe to such a belief. God created us in His image and He is the Lord of our life. He created the whole universe and everything in it. He loves us so much that He sent His beloved Son to atone for our sins. I am willing to embrace His son Jesus Christ as my personal savior.

When I became a Christian, my whole life was transformed. I began to seek and follow God’s will. I want to be a child of God who glorifies Him. My heart is filled with a desire to love and care for others. I resolve to be God’s instrument to bring more people before Him – so that they, too, can enjoy a new and transformed life. Thanks, everyone!

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