Hello! My name is Terrene. I grew up in the church going to Sunday school every week, but never really paid attention. I memorized Bible verses for the lollipops and the stickers, but I never seemed to truly understand what any of them meant. When I was 11, I went to my first week of VBS since I was 5. There, I heard the speech about sin and all the things we could never do to please God, and He finally opened my eyes to see His love. I was confused as to why a god would possibly die for anyone. That day, I prayed to God and accepted Jesus into my heart. However, thoughts of Christ began to fade over time, and I began to have doubts. I imagined that Jesus had come down to Earth and died for everyone…except for me. I turned to my own accomplishments and began to define myself by what I could do alone. However, God began to show me through trials and failures that no matter how much I did and how much I accomplished by myself, I could never be in control of my own life. God disciplined me and began to teach my stubborn mind that Christ is enough.
2 Corinthians 12:9 says “And he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’” Christ is good enough, strong enough, everything I can’t be on my own. Jesus is enough to save me from sin, and I don’t need any of my own accomplishments. I didn’t have to work hard to be good enough when Christ had done all the hard work even when I wasn’t good enough. My identity was in Christ and what He’d done for me on the cross, not by any of my failures or successes. God changed my life and I learned and am still learning to lean on Him in all circumstances to live for God, who saved me from death. His grace is enough.