
Gracious Words
  • 思念愛女元玲  In Loving Memory of My Daughter, Yuan-Ling (Linda Shimu) 十二月九日的QT經文是林後5:1-10,正是元玲被主接走的日子.....December 9th was the day that Yuan-Ling was received by the Lord, and the QT scripture was from 2 Corinthians 5:1-10.....
    思念愛女元玲 In Loving Memory of My Daughter, Yuan-Ling (Linda Shimu) 十二月九日的QT經文是林後5:1-10,正是元玲被主接走的日子.....December 9th was the day that Yuan-Ling was received by the Lord, and the QT scripture was from 2 Corinthians 5:1-10.....
  • What Do We Expect of Church Life? 我們期待的教會生活是什麼? This year, we did more things as one church together......這一年,我們以合一教會的方式一起做了更多的事工......
    What Do We Expect of Church Life? 我們期待的教會生活是什麼? This year, we did more things as one church together......這一年,我們以合一教會的方式一起做了更多的事工......
  • 教會服事最前線:迎賓事工 迎賓事工可以說是教會的“灘頭堡”......
    教會服事最前線:迎賓事工 迎賓事工可以說是教會的“灘頭堡”......

Moving Forward 轉變

The Old: Do you know God and the Bible? The New: Have you encountered Jesus and have life transformed?過去:你認識神和聖經嗎?現在:你曾遇見耶穌,並得著生命改變嗎?

What Do We Expect of Church Life? 我們期待的教會生活是什麼?

This year, we did more things as one church together......這一年,我們以合一教會的方式一起做了更多的事工......

Why I Serve God 我為什麼事奉神

Because first of all, it is an act of thankfulness for all the blessings I’ve enjoyed…….第一個原因,是因為要為我所享受到的所有祝福,用行動向神獻上感恩……

2013 Newsletter from Pastor Chan’s Family 陳國添牧師2013年家庭年信

And I’m glad that my mom was able to walk with me on senior night during the last football game…… 我很高興我母親有機會與我出席最近的橄欖球賽的高年級生晚會……

思念愛女元玲 In Loving Memory of My Daughter, Yuan-Ling (Linda Shimu)

十二月九日的QT經文是林後5:1-10,正是元玲被主接走的日子.....December 9th was the day that Yuan-Ling was received by the Lord, and the QT scripture was from 2 Corinthians 5:1-10.....

Eulogy for Linda 師母安息禮拜追悼詞

Linda calls me “Sue.” It was the nickname given to me by her…..Linda 幫我取了個她專用的小名叫Sue。我們相差一歲,從小就是焦不離孟。

活潑的盼望 (安息禮拜信息) Living Hope (Eulogy for Mrs. Linda Chan)

陳師母禀賦過人,她不僅會唱,而且能寫;不僅寫英文,還能寫中文;不僅會寫……She was really talented: she sang, she wrote the lyrics – both English and Chinese, she composed, and……

悼念陳胡元玲師母 GCAC Remembrance

主日聚會結束回家,陳師母便俯伏地上痛哭,為我的太太和家人流淚呼求上帝,為她禱告….. Linda had a gift in song writing. Her songs were from the heart, expressing her passion for God, and …..



懷念我最好的朋友 – Linda師母


【Never Be Forgotten】 【永誌不忘】

May this song comfort our hearts and know that she will “Never Be Forgotten” until we meet again……希望這首曲子能夠安慰我們眾人的心,並記住她,“永誌不忘”,直到我們

From Love of Lollipops to Real Love of Jesus

God changed my life and I learned and am still learning to lean on Him in all circumstances to live for God….


他們的熱情待人, 無微不至的關懷, 深深的感動著我。經過ㄧ個多月在慕道班上的學習,我體會到了 神的大愛…..



The Unquenchable Flame by Michael Reeves

I read this overview of the Protestant Reformation¹ two years ago, but it is still one of my favorite Church History books. Scratch that—it’s one of my favorite books, period.



God Bless Labor Day 勞工節的祝福

Work is a meaningful productivity / It keeps the body from inactivity 工作是一個有意義的生產/獻身來勞動要做出犠牲

The Joyful Harvest 秋季豐收歌

The beautiful autumn comes by showing the falling leaves, the hot, exciting summer quietly leaves滿地落葉是秋季的景象, 時間轉換日更夜又長

Two for One: Our Ministry Trip to Malaysia and South Korea 合二為一:馬來西亞南韓行

Two impressions stood out as we conclude our visits to the Korean churches—lots and lots of prayer by many people over many hours, and intentional discipleship training of believers. 我們參觀了幾家韓國教會之後,有兩個深刻的印象–眾多的信徒,用許多的時間獻上許多的禱告;刻意為信徒做門徙訓練。





Connections Ministry

Aside from friendly greetings, our services include setting up the shading tents with chairs and tables, providing umbrellas when it rains…..