【牧者心聲】From Our Pastors
We exist not because of our language, but rather we exist to glorify God by living out the heart of Jesus......
【新人心語】Faith Professed: Baptismal Testimonies
三口之家攜手受洗共蒙主恩 A Family Trio Baptized Hand-in-hand in the Glory of Lord
我是一個癌症患者。一年多前,我在廣州一次例行體檢時,意外地發現有癌細胞在膀胱裏。造影的診斷書寫著駭人的一個字:癌!這是什麼判決啊......I am a cancer survivor. About a year ago, rectal cancer cells were detected during a routine physical examination. My X-rays revealed the dreaded “Big C”. I said to myself, “I am done! No doubt it's a death sentence!” ......
【新人心語】Faith Professed: Baptismal Testimonies
【新人心語】Faith Professed: Baptismal Testimonies
學習謙卑聆聽神的聲音Receiving God’s Calling With A Humble Heart
I thought our lives have finally settled down and we won’t have to change schools, go to new churches, and adjust to an unfamiliar culture. I was wrong. ..我以為我們的生活終於可以穩定下來,不用再轉學、換教會、適應新環境,結果正當我準備升高中時,神卻又將我們全家帶來加州......
【新人心語】Faith Professed: Baptismal Testimonies
神就像大海,我準備要跳下去了God is like an Ocean, I am Ready to Jump in
One day, I just realized that unless I give myself wholly and entirely to Him, I will never see his true glory and majesty, or feel his power and amazing grace. His word calls us to follow him, and I realized that all my life I haven’t been doing that, and that’s why I’m missing out on all his wonders......神就像大海,我到底要不要把我自己整個沉入海裡,去感受祂,還是只是站在海邊,讓海浪輕輕的流過我的腳踝,而沒有真正的感受到被神的包圍呢......
【新人心語】Faith Professed: Baptismal Testimonies
【新人心語】Faith Professed: Baptismal Testimonies
【雲彩見證】Cloud of Witness
Kurt Lee is 16 years old. He is a vibrant guy and a dear brother in Christ, always smiling and easy going, full of joy and always making people laugh......
【宣教腳蹤】Missions Around the World
【宣教腳蹤】Missions Around the World
Somehow the idea of having to use Banos and no showers for a week was quite hard for me to swallow ......
【宣教腳蹤】Missions Around the World
The Road Taken 走過的路: Ecuador Mission Trip
We are truly blessed in so many ways here in America. How can one who is so blessed not use our God-given abilities and resources for his Glory......在美國我們所享受的物資實在是太豐富了。我們基督徒如何使用這些神賜與我們的資源來榮耀祂呢......